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Home > Products > Chemical Products > paraffin



The word paraffin is derived from the Latin word parum and affinis, meaning very little and lacking reactivity. Paraffin wax also called petroleum wax or mineral wax, is a colorless solid which begins to melt above 37 °C is created when crude oil refined into gasoline. The most common use of paraffin wax is candles, electrical insulation, industrial application, lubrication, hair products and even in food applications. In the dyed form it can be generated into crayons. Mainly paraffin wax is sold solid or in liquid form. The liquid form like the solid form is odorless, colorless and tasteless. It is also known as white or mineral oil and because of its soften ability is used in hair and cosmetic products. This substance is soluble in benzene but not soluble in water. Wax contains a percentage of oil, the lower the percentage of oil in wax the more it is considered as refined.

Melting point paraffin wax

Because paraffin is inexpensive and in addition has variety melting points, it has a wide usage. There are three different melting point for different candle makings. Less than 54°C is counted as the low melting point paraffin is used for container candles in jars, cups, or glasses. The medium melting point paraffin, 65°C, is used for standing candles. The last type is the high melting point paraffin, is used for more specialized applications such as hurricane candle shells, over dipping, and other special candle-making applications.


Beeswax or soy wax and other types of natural waxes are more expensive compared to paraffin wax. Because paraffin is inexpensive there is a high demand for this product, but this is not the only reason why it is so popular. Adding substances such as carnauba wax or stearic acid to paraffin wax can easily change the softening or melting point of the candle wax, so generates a varsity of applications. So you can make any type of candle with paraffin. It is notable that there is another advantage for paraffin, by using fragrances to paraffin it does no harm to the burning process of a candle unlike other waxes.