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Group 2

- what is the Barite or barytes (barium sulphate) ?
Barite or barytes (barium sulphate) is a mineral largely used as a weighting agent for drilling fluids in oil and gas exploration.

Other uses of barite are in added-value applications, such as:

fillers in paint and plastics
sound reduction in engine compartments
friction products for automobiles and trucks
radiation-shielding concrete e.g. for X-ray rooms
glass ceramics
medical applications e.g. a barium meal before a CAT scan
- what is barite special factor for oil well drilling ?
the most important factor is specific gravity (SG) which should Min 4.2
- what is the packing of barite powder ?
the packing of barite is 1 tone jumbo bag
- where we should store the barite to avoid decrease quality ?
the best place for storing is warehouse with ventilation
- is the barite dangerous goods?
No but it is better not to touch it

Group 1

- Is “FRS Gilsonite” (=Natural asphalt or Asphaltum) Soluble?”

“FRS Gilsonite” (Natural asphalt) is not soluble in water, alcohols, or acetones. “FRS Gilsonite” is soluble in a chlorinated, cyclic and aromatic hydrocarbon solvent. It is surrounded solubility in most alkanones, however is soluble in mixed aromatic solvents which contain an organic compound element. For dissolving “FRS Gilsonite”, there are 3 procedures that we have to make preparation for, as following:

Note: In each step, precautions for flammable materials must be certainly considered.

1) Cold-cutting: “FRS Gilsonite” is mostly soluble in fatty and aromatic solvents at ambient temperatures. Some shaking must be used. The rate of solution depends on the type of solvent, the grade of “FRS Gilsonite”, and also severity of blending. The solution rate is increased by employing a high shear mixer, i.e. a Cowles disperser. Once a ball mill or a paddle mixer is applied, lump grade “FRS Gilsonite” is suggested. Once a high energy combination is accessible, either lump or fine grades are also used. Care must be taken to avoid "dry balls" of unmelted solid once using pulverized grades.

2) Hot-cutting: the rate of solution is redoubled by heating. Steam coils or hot oil is most popular. Direct-fired heating is willing to take risks. Strong care and attention must be taken to avoid or make up for gaseous solvent. Facilities for solvent containment are usually necessary. The maximum process temperature depends on the boiling variety of the solvent.

3) Hot melting: “FRS Gilsonite” is hot melted into asphalts and high boiling oils. Once compound d, the mixture will then be let down with a solvent to succeed in the desired stability. This hot melting with another product will facilitate overcome limitations of solubility. Choosing the right mix or co-solvent will cause compatibility with a solvent that is ordinarily of restricted solubility.

- What is talcum powder?
A: Talcum powder is a substance made from talc, the softest known-mineral on earth, found in deposits throughout Iran. Kaolin is composed of hydrogen, magnesium, silicon and oxygen. Kaolin is mined from the earth, and then is crushed into a fine powder, and finally it will be refined to remove impurities. Because of its smoothness and ability to absorb moisture, it is used to discourage friction (therewith preventing rashes) and to keep skin dry. Talcum powder is used in a wide variety of personal care products, including oral supplement tablets and powder-based cosmetics.