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Home > Products > Oil well drilling fluid & Mud > Barite


Barite Powder Analyze for Oil well drilling

Barium Sulfate

90% Min Barite Stone


4.20 Min


1% Max



Water Soluble

0.1% Max


25 kg. 5ply paper bags.


Other specifications according to API or OCMA standards.

Barite Powder Analyze for painting

Technical Data:

            BasO4                96%

             PH-Value             9

             whitness             90

             Ave Partice size    2  

             Top Cut              10

             Density gr/ml       4.4

             Hardness(Mohs)   3.5

             Refractive index   1.6

  Raw material for this product is selected from very white natural Barite, whiteness and fineness. Of product closely controlled to have very good dispersibility.

Application: Primer and Mastic Compounds, Top Coats, Emulsion paint, Marine coating, powder coating.

What is Barite?

• Chemistry: BaSO4, Barium Sulfate
• Class: Sulfates
• Group: Barite
• Uses: ore of barium, in heavy muds in oil-well drilling, to increase brilliance in glass-making industry, as filler for paper, cosmetics, textiles, linoleum, rubber goods, paints.
• Specimens
Barite, barites, or heavy spar, a white, yellow, blue, red, or colorless mineral. It is a sulfate of barium, BaSO4, found in nature as tabular crystals or in granular or massive form and has a high specific gravity. The mineral is widely distributed throughout the world. It often occurs in veins with lead and zinc minerals. It is insoluble in water, and this property is made use of in testing for the sulfate radical. It is practically insoluble under ordinary conditions in all the usual chemical reagents. Barite is used as a commercial source of barium and many of its compounds. Ground barite is used as filler in the manufacture of linoleum, oilcloth, paper and textile manufacturing, rubber, and plastics. Finely ground barite is used to make a thixotropic mud for sealing oil wells during drilling. Prime white, a bleached barite, is used as a pigment in white paint but is not as satisfactory as blanc fixe, a chemically precipitated barium sulfate, or lithopone, a mixture of barium sulfate, zinc sulfide, and zinc oxide. Barites is a material with environmental protecting function, it has a lot of advantages, such as a strong inertia, good stability, acid and alkali proof, moderate rigidity, high specific gravity, high whiteness, absorb in harmful radial. So, it is widely used in the fields of all kinds of dope, middle and high-grade paint, engineering plastic, medicine compounding chemical industry, rubber, paper-making, pottery, cosmetic etc. Barite is a common mineral and makes very attractive specimens. It often is an accessory mineral to other minerals and can make a nice backdrop to brightly colored crystals. At times bladed or tabular crystals of Barite form a concentric pattern of increasingly larger crystals outward. This has the appearance of a flower and when colored red by iron stains, these formations are called "Desert Roses". Because Barite is so common, it can be confused for other minerals. Celestite (SrSO4) has the same structure as barite and forms very similar crystals. The two are indistinguishable by ordinary methods, but a flame test can distinguish them. By scrapping the dust of the crystals into a gas flame the color of the flame will confirm the identity of the crystal. If the flame is a pale green it is barite, but if the flame is red it is celestite. The flame test works because the elements barium (Ba) and strontium (Sr) react in the flame and produce those colors.

Barite General Information

Barite, a name that was derived from the Greek word "barus" (heavy), is the mineralogical name for barium sulfate. In commerce, the mineral is sometimes referred to as "barytes." The term "primary barite" refers to the first marketable product, which includes crude barite (run of mine) and the products of simple beneficiation methods, such as washing, jigging, heavy media separation, tabling, flotation, and magnetic separation. Most crude barite requires some upgrading to minimum purity or density. Barite that is used as an aggregate in a "heavy" cement is crushed and screened to a uniform size. Most barite is ground to a small, uniform size before it is used as a filler or extender, an addition to industrial products, or a weighting agent in petroleum well drilling mud specification barite. Although barite contains a "heavy" metal (barium), it is not a toxic chemical under Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986, because it is .
Barite generally occurs in the white massive variety (often appearing earthy when weathered), although some clear to bluish, bladed barite crystals (Plate 18) have been observed in several vein deposits, and various nodular zones have been observed. Rosettes are common in many Iranian mineral veins. Feathery barite is also known from Iran.

Barite is extremely insoluble in acid and water and is therefore chemically inert. It is the principal source of the element barium. Barite is the most abundant of the semi-commercial vein-forming minerals in Iran. Until World War I, barite was mined along with fluorite and sphalerite. Limited barite mining was attempt during the 1960's in other counties Commercial barite was recovered as a by-product of the fluorspar industry Iran during World War II and during the 1960's.

Barite Geology [BaSO4]

A dense sulfate mineral that can occur in a variety of rocks, including limestone and sandstone, and is commonly used to add weight to drilling mud. Barite is of significance to petrophysicists because excess barite can require a correction factor in some well log measurements.

Barite Packing

All grades of Barite are available in various types of packaging:
1. 1 Ton Jumbo bags
2. 25kg package for powder

Barite Physical Properties


3-3.5 Calcite-Copper Penny

Specific gravity



[010] Perfect, [210] Perfect, [010] Imperfect


White, Yellowish white, Grayish white, Brownish white, Dark brown




Transparent to translucent to opaque


Uneven - Flat surfaces (not cleavage) fractured in an uneven pattern


Tabular - Form dimensions are thin in one direction., Prismatic - Crystals Shaped like Slender Prisms (e.g. tourmaline)., Massive - Fibrous - Distinctly fibrous fine-grained forms. Crystal Habits include the bladed crystals that are dominated by two large pinacoid faces top and bottom and small prism faces forming a jutting angle on every side. There are many variations of these faces but the flattened blades and tabular crystals are the most common. If the pinacoid faces become diminished or are absent, the resulting prismatic crystal has a rhombic cross section. Also scaly, lamellar, and even fiberous.




Vitreous (Glassy)




Barytes, Cawk, Heavy Spar, ICSD 16904,PDF 24-1035, Wolnyn


Barite Calculated Properties



API grade barite. Provide density increase without altering mud theology. Also available in bulk form.


Electron Density

ſelectron=3.99 gm/cc
note: ſBarite =4.48 gm/cc


PEBarite = 265.56 barns/electron
U=PEBarite X ſelectron=1,060.27 barns/cc


GRapi = 0 (Gamma Ray American Petroleum Institute Units)


Barite is Not Radioactive

Barite Uses: Drilling

Weighting material with a specific gravity of 4.37 used to increase the apparent density of a liquid drilling fluid system. Barite [BaSO4] is the most common weighting agent used today. It is a mined material ground to an API specification such that particle sizes are predominantly in the 3 to 74 micron range.

Drilling Fluids

A dense mineral comprising barium sulfate [BaSO4] that commonly occurs with a range of accessory minerals, such as quartz, chert, dolomite, calcite, siderite and metal sulfides. Used as a weighting agent for all types of drilling fluids, barites are mined in many areas worldwide and shipped as ore to grinding plants in strategic locations. Pure barium sulfate has a specific gravity of 4.50 g/cm3, but drilling-grade barite is expected to have a specific gravity of at least 4.20 g/cm3 to meet API specifications. Contaminants in barite, such as cement, siderite, pyrrhotite, gypsum and anhydrite, can cause problems in certain mud systems and should be evaluated in any quality assurance program for drilling-mud additives.

Barite Industrial Applications

Barites is supplied in crude/lump form. Barites, after suitable grinding and pulverizing, has many uses. It is mainly used in oil-well drilling and it is estimated that 90% of the barites produced in the world is used only for drilling purposes. It is also found useful in the manufacture of white pigment or extender in pigments and barium chemicals, in the glass industry and as filler in rubber, leather, textile and paper goods.

Painting Industry

In dope and painting, it can be used as filling and can take the place of some expensive material such as basofor, crypton, titanium dioxide, activity, monox etc. Control the viscosity of the paint compatibly to make the products with bright color, good stability.

Plastic Industry

In plastic industry, it is used as the filling of plastic ABS to make the products with bright color. It also can improve the intensity, stiffness and abrasive resistance.

Rubber Industry

In rubber industry, the products less than 500 mesh can be used as the filling of rubber products to save cost. It can improve the intensity, and acid, alkali, and water proof, and also has benefit for the Natural Rubber and Synthetic Rubber.

Pharmaceutical Industry

In medicine, it can be used as barium meal material for the intestines and stomach reflection, and also the filling for plaster and dope to extend the time limit.

Paper-Making Industry

In the papermaking industry, high-refined barites powder can be used as the filling of white paperboard and coat paper, improve the whiteness and percentage of coverage.

Cosmetics Industry

In cosmetics, it can be a substitute of titanium dioxide, for its white and gentle, and harmless to the skin.


Barite Specifications

Drilling fluids consume some 85% of the world's total barytes consumption, making them easily the largest market. The price of drilling grade barytes depends primarily on demand from the oil and gas exploration industry and on the price of oil. After 2003 an oil glut could force oil prices down and reduce barytes demand, but experience shows that many other factors, such as the severity of the northern hemisphere winter and political conflict in the producing countries, could change this picture. Environmental concerns in offshore drilling will also impact on future barytes prices, as quality demands become more stringent. Barytes that is co-produced during base metal mining and flotation may become increasingly difficult to market, and alternatively, metal-free material will be in greater demand. This should push barytes prices up. The USA is easily the largest barytes consumer, accounting for 40% of world demand in 2001, most of which is imported. China is the other major barytes consumer, accounting for 14% of world demand, although in this case demand is met from domestic production. Oil and natural gas are expected to increase their share of total energy requirements from 62% in 2000 to 67% in 2020, which will increase demand for drilling grade barytes in exploration and development.

Barite Geology [BaSO4]

Barite Geology [BaSO4] A dense sulfate mineral that can occur in a variety of rocks, including limestone and sandstone, and is commonly used to add weight to drilling mud. Barite is of significance to petrophysicists because excess barite can require a correction factor in some well log measurements.

“How Barite (Barium Sulfate) has been created and formed during million years?”

“How Barite (Barium Sulfate) has been created and formed during million years?” Barite often occurs as concretions and void-filling crystals in sediments and sedimentary rocks. It is especially common as concretions and vein fillings in limestone and dolomite stones. Where these carbonate rock units have been heavily weathered, large accumulations of barite are sometimes found at the soil-bedrock contact. Barite may be found in conjunction with both metallic and nonmetallic mineral deposits. Many of the commercial barite mines produce from these residual deposits. Barite is also found as concretions in sand and sandstone. These concretions grow as barite crystallizes within the spaces between sand grains. Sometimes crystals of barite grow into strange shapes within the sand. Sometimes barite is so abundant in sandstone that it serves as the cement for the rock. Barite is also a common mineral in hydrothermal veins and is a gangue mineral associated with sulfide ore veins. It is found in association with ores of antimony, cobalt, copper, lead, manganese, and silver. In a few locations barite is deposited as a sinter at hot springs

“Amazing Applications of Barite (Barium Sulfate) in Paint Industry:

Baryte (Barite) is a wonderful replacement to expensive materials used in dope and painting. It is an amazing replacement to basofor, crypton, titanium dioxide, activity and monox which are used for filling. It is very effective in controlling the viscosity of the paint. It is also very effective in increasing the stability of the paint and adding more brightness to the paint. It has a clean whiteness which makes it very effective as an extender for primers. It is highly effective in providing chemical resistance to the walls and smoothness to the undercoats thereby promising beautiful and smooth walls. It is also used as heavy inert filler. It is insoluble in water, has high refractive index, has high resistance to acids and alkalis and high bulk density which makes it all the more useful in the paint industry.

“First Discovery of Barium in Nature”

Vincenzo Casciarolo, a 17th-century Italian alchemist, first noticed barium in the form of unusual pebbles that glowed for years after exposure to heat, according to the Royal Society of Chemistry. He named these pebbles "Bologna stones" after his hometown, but they were later determined to be barium sulfate (BaSO4). In the late 18th century, barium oxide (BaO) and barium carbonate (BaCO3) were discovered by German chemist Carl Scheele and English chemist William Withering, respectively. Pure barium metal was not isolated and identified until 1808 at the Royal Institution in London. The prominent chemist and inventor Sir Humphry Davy used electrolysis to separate the barium from molten barium salts such as barium hydroxide (Ba(OH)2). During electrolysis, an electric current is run through the ionic substance in order to separate ions from each other. Because the barium salts were molten, the barium ions easily moved to the container with the negative electrode, and the other negative ions easily moved in the opposite direction to the container with the positive electrode. Source: www.livescience.com