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Home > Products > Minerals > Magnesium Oxide


“What Is Magnesium Oxide?”

What Is Magnesium Oxide? Magnesium oxide is a common type of magnesium supplement that is widely available in pharmacies all over the country. One of the reasons behind its popularity among supplement manufacturers is its low manufacturing cost. Nowadays, magnesium oxide is easily and inexpensively obtained through the calcination of naturally occurring minerals. Moreover, the magnesium oxide formula contains around 60 percent elemental magnesium — the highest among all types of this mineral supplement. This high percentage may lead people into thinking that this type of magnesium supplement is the best of them all. However, just because it has the highest elemental magnesium does not mean that it’s the best form of magnesium supplement that you should take. Keep in mind that magnesium oxide is non-chelated, which means that it’s not in a form that’s easily absorbed and metabolized by the body. Studies have shown that magnesium oxide only has a 4 percent absorption rate, which is relatively poor compared to that of the other magnesium supplements. What Are the Sources of Magnesium Oxide? Magnesium oxide is obtained by burning magnesium in pure oxygen. However, this process is costly, as metallic magnesium is an expensive material. The cheaper way to produce magnesium oxide is by subjecting naturally occurring minerals, particularly magnesium salts, to a process of thermal treatment called calcination

“Magnesium In Animal Nutrition”

Magnesium, as a vital factor: Magnesium plays a role in energy, protein and lipid metabolism. Deficiency can disrupt some bodily functions. In adult ruminants, most absorption takes place in the reticulorumen, or in the small intestine for younger animals. Two active mechanisms are involved in magnesium absorption: one is Para-cellular, the other transcellular. Feeds usually contain average magnesium content at the limit of recommended levels. Furthermore, the digestibility of organic magnesium is dependent on a number of factors: soil and sub-soil type, climate, how feed is harvested and at what stage. Thus, mineral magnesium supplements are essential. Magnesium Deficiencies: Hypo-magnesium, or grass tetany is a metabolic condition found in dairy cows at the start of lactation or when ruminants are put out to pasture in the spring. The condition is caused by a sudden fall in magnesium concentration in the cerebra-spinal fluid and thus in the blood. Symptoms include a state of neuromuscular excitability with convulsive-type nervous signs. It is often accompanied by hypocalcaemia. There are several kinds of hypo-magnesium: grass tetany, winter tetany, infantile tetany, etc. Contributory factors include: dairy cows over 5 years of age, young grass-based feed, climatic conditions, and nitrogen fertilizers. Furthermore, the presence of elements in the diet (organic and long fatty acids, sulphates, manganese, aluminum, calcium, sodium and potassium) can – in itself, or at high levels – reduce magnesium absorption. Preventing the risk of grass tetany depends as much on breeding and feeding practices as it does on agricultural strategy aiming to increase magnesium concentration in feed. Specific magnesium supplementation before and during risk periods can compensate for the fall in feed magnesium digestibility (Meschy et Al, 2010). Incorporating magnesium in cereal-rich feed reduces the lowering effect of these diets on fat levels and increases fat content in low-fat cows’ milk. Magnesium works by modifying enzyme activity and by concentrating rumen fermentation on acetic and butyric acid, at the expense of propionic acid, thanks to the buffering effect of magnesium.

What Are Usage Fields Of “FRS Magnesium Oxide”?

Magnesium Oxide in Catalysts: Magnesium oxides (magnesia) can be used as magnesium source for manufacturing catalyst compounds. 2) FRS Magnesium Oxide in Cosmetics: Magnesium oxide is used in cosmetics for manufacturing baby powders (talcum powders). It is used in dentistry for dental cements. 3) FRS Magnesium Oxide in Steel Industry: Magnesium oxides are used in the production of magnetic steel sheets. A Slurry of Magnesium oxide is prepared and is used to coat steel and the coated sheets are submitted to high temperatures. The reaction of the magnesium with the silicone steel leads on the surface to a specific structure called “Forsterite”. This structure gives specific magnetic properties to the silicon steel. 4) FRS Magnesium Oxide in Ceramics: FRS magnesium oxide is used as a sintering agent in baked enamels. The magnesium oxide is also used in glass manufacturing and it is usually used as a source of magnesium. 5) FRS Magnesium Oxide in Food: FRS MgO is used in manufacturing diet products. It is also used in production of colorants and artificial mineral waters. 6) FRS Magnesium Oxide in Plastics, Elastomers and Rubbers: FRS Magnesium oxide is being used as a rheological agent in the SMC-BMC and as a stabilizer in the automotive PVC plastisol. 7) FRS Magnesium Oxide in Sealants and Adhesives: Magnesium oxide in this section is always used as an acid acceptor

Magnesium Carbonate” Hydrate

Magnesium Carbonate” Hydrate Magnesium Carbonate” Hydrate Magnesium Carbonate Hydrate is a water insoluble Magnesium source that can easily be converted to other Magnesium compounds, such as the oxide by heating (calcination). Carbonate compounds also give off carbon dioxide when treated with dilute acids. Magnesium Carbonate Hydrate is generally immediately available in most volumes. High purity, submicron and nano-powder forms may be considered. “Farzin Rock Stone Co.” supplies many standard grades when applicable, including Mil Spec (military grade); ACS, Reagent and Technical Grade; Food, Agricultural and Pharmaceutical Grade; Optical Grade, USP and EP/BP (European Pharmacopoeia/British Pharmacopoeia) and follows applicable ASTM testing standards. Typical and custom packaging is available. Additional technical, research and safety (MSDS) information is available as is a Reference Calculator for converting relevant units of measurement.

“How the Body Uses Magnesium?”

Magnesium carbonate is a white, powdery compound that occurs naturally as dolomite and magnesite and is widely marketed as a health supplement. Its active ingredient is magnesium, a mineral that your body requires to function efficiently. Every organ in the body needs magnesium to function properly, according to the University Of Maryland Medical Center. It is particularly critical to effective heart, kidney and muscle function. Magnesium also plays a significant role in bones and teeth. However, the mineral’s most important functions are the activation of enzymes that are critical to human function, the regulation of levels of other minerals in the body and its contribution to energy production. Magnesium deficiencies are relatively rare but can occur because your diet does not contain enough foods high in magnesium or because of certain medical conditions, most notably gastrointestinal ailments that flush vital nutrients from your body. If you’re suffering from a magnesium deficiency, supplementation with magnesium carbonate will help return your body’s levels of the mineral to normal levels.

Magnesium carbonate is a whit lump

white Magnesium carbonate is a whit lump